Law and Language (and Media)

The Drag Queens Fighting Performance Bans in Texas

The Failure of the Rooney Rule in Hiring for Diversity

Media Ideologies Determining What is a Will

Quebec has a controversial French language bill — sparks protests – May 2022

Police under review for blasting Disney songs during arrest

More and More US Women Are Paying Alimony

Her Boss Sent Harassing Texts. So She Beat Him With a Mop.

A government worker in China became an internet sensation after a video emerged of her striking back at a boss she had accused of harassment.


Why is so much American bureaucracy left to average citizens?

Grandmother’s Refusal to Remove Photos From Facebook Tests Privacy Law

A Dutch court ruled a woman violated Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation after refusing to take down photos of her grandchildren from social media.

What’s a ‘Hairbag?’ $7 Million May Hinge on the Answer

Police officers have long used the word to describe their elders, usually behind their backs. Now a detective is suing over the term.

Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse

Internet-connected home devices that are marketed as the newest conveniences are also being used to harass, monitor and control.

I’m not rude, just French, says Canadian server who was fired for ‘combative’ attitude

Guillaume Rey isn’t rude.
He’s just French.
That’s what the server argued in a discrimination complaint against a Vancouver Milestones chain restaurant and its parent company, Cara Operations, in the wake of his firing in August.
While the manager maintains that Rey was popular among customers, he claimed the French server was “combative and aggressive” toward his co-workers.
But Rey alleges the manager’s accusations are a form of “discrimination against my culture,” which “tends to be more direct and expressive,” according to his complaint.
He also said he was fired because of his “direct, honest and professional personality,” which he developed during his time in the French hospitality industry.

Drumpf’s Twitter Blockees Go To Court

Judge Buchwald presided in a prim tweed suit (no robe). After expressing a regal distaste for Twitter, which she called “something that I don’t consider appropriate for judges to engage in,” she demonstrated that she understood the social-media platform at least as well as the lawyers. She brought the courtroom to near-silence with an idea that cut through the fog of the lawyers’ verbiage. “To the extent that the reason that the President has blocked these individuals is because he does not welcome what they have to say,” she said, “he can avoid hearing them simply by ‘muting’ them.” Twitter offers its users two options to avoid seeing the tweets of others. Drumpf used the block function, which means that he wouldn’t see a particular person’s tweets and that person could no longer see or respond to his tweets. Muting offers an intermediate step. Drumpf would no longer have to see the tweets of those he disdains, but they could still respond to his tweets.

It’s a crime in Virginia to swear in public. A lawmaker says that’s #@!#ing nuts.

Virginia law demands that residents keep it clean, even in moments crying out for the foulest four-letter words. It’s illegal in this state to curse in public.  “Profane swearing” is a Class 4 misdemeanor punishable by a $250 fine, right up there with public intoxication. It’s a law that predates the Civil War. Yet modern-day potty-mouths still get charged under it — in small numbers, but in ways that can raise troubling questions about law enforcement.

Australian Official Calls for Emergency Visas for White South African Farmers

South Africa responded angrily to comments by an Australian minister who said white South African farmers deserved protection in a “civilized country.”