Anthropologists on Fiction

CaMP Anthropology is hosting a series of anthropological reflections on the fiction  anthropologists enjoy, or enjoy hating.  Inspired by a recent blog series focusing on the television show Severance on Exertions, we are asking for volunteers to write 800-1,000 word blog posts about a novel, film, television show, graphic novel, podcast, any form of fictional representation.  Analyses of adaptations are also welcome.

The format:

We are asking people to suggest or choose a work they would like to analyze for the CaMP blog. Once at least three people have signed up to discuss a piece of fiction, we will negotiate a deadline that adds as little stress as possible to people’s all too obligated lives.  When enough people sign up to discuss a particular text, they will form an editing circle – each person will edit two other pieces in the two weeks after the deadline.  When all the edited and revised posts have been sent to CaMP anthropology –, we will post the three blogs posts over three weeks, one every Monday.

Please sign up here:

Editors: Ilana Gershon – and Steve Selka –